多言語文化交流空間 Global Village


 みなさん、こんにちは!2016年4月に岩手大学は学生センターB棟1階に多言語多文化交流空間 「グローバルビレッジ」を開設しました。


Welcome to Iwate University’s Global Village, your home for intercultural exchange! Located in Student Center-B, the Global Village hosts weekly events featuring culture, languages, and topics from around the world. The more you participate in events, the more “miles” you can get! With enough miles, you can get certificates or even monetary rewards! Learn more about our mileage system here us as we explore what it means to be a local citizen with a global perspective.

All are welcome to attend. Let us know if you have an event idea, or would like to introduce your hometown or culture!

問い合わせ Information
岩手大学国際課 International Office of Iwate University
学生センターB棟 Student Center-B
Email: gvillage@iwate-u.ac.jp